You can enter dates in natural English e.g.
last day of august, first mon in jun, next monday, 2nd tue of next month etc.
You only need to enter a day and the rest is filled in for you i.e. if now is April 2021, entering 17 will automatically change to 17/04/2021.
You can type just the day e.g. if today is Wed 14 July, Fri or Friday will change to 16 July.
To enter todays date into a date field, just enter t or today.
To enter the last day of the month just use the letter l.
Dates can be entered in many different and incomplete formats eg.
14-AUG-21; 14/08/21; 14 August 2021; 14/8/21; 14 Aug 21; 14,8; 14-Aug; 14/8; 14 etc.
If a session is only for one day, i.e. the start and finish dates are the same, you dont need to enter a finish date.
When entering a time many different formats can be used eg.
4:30AM; 4:30; 04:30; 0430; 17; 17:00; 1700; 5; 5pm etc.
Any time entered that doesn't have AM or PM explicit, is deemed to be during day time e.g. 9 is 9:00AM, 215 is 2:15PM etc.
To change the sort order of displayed data on a grid, click on the column header.
Changing the ordering of the practices on the practices sheet changes the order they are displayed on the reports.