Pension Forms A has space for your signature. PennyPerfect lets you store a scanned image of your signature and place this on the pension forms, so you can email the forms directly without having to print them first.
How to use your scanned signature
To use a scan of your signature on the pension forms follow these steps;
In PennyPerfect, from the Tools menu select Options. On the Options screen select 'Pension', and then tick the tickbox 'Automatically include my signature on the NHS locum pension forms'.
Sign a blank piece of white paper with a dark pen, and scan this page to get an image of your signature.
Using a graphics editing program such as Paint, crop the image of your signature so the dimensions are 5 times wider than the height e.g. so the image is 10cm wide and 2cm high. The actual size is not important - it will be resized to fit the space available.
Save the image with the file name 'signature', and file format .jpg, .gif, or .bmp.
Save the file in your PennyPerfect directory (normally C:\PennyPerfect, but the actual path is displayed on the splash screen when PennyPerfect starts).
Now when you create a Form, the space where you need to sign will be automatically completed with your signature.